Meta expands WhatsApp features for Business with AI integration

At Conversations 2024, the annual business messaging event, WhatsApp unveiled significant updates aimed at enhancing the platform’s utility for businesses. These updates are geared towards facilitating customer interactions, improving marketing efforts, and streamlining business operations.

AI Tools for Enhanced Customer Assistance

WhatsApp is integrating advanced AI tools to better assist businesses in responding to customer inquiries. The AI is trained to handle common questions that businesses frequently receive, enabling quicker and more efficient customer service. Additionally, AI is being utilized to help businesses create targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram. These ads can remind customers of items left in their cart or offer discounts on products they are interested in, thereby driving sales and improving customer engagement.

images courtesy of Meta

Introduction of Meta Verified

Meta Verified is being introduced to the WhatsApp Business app in Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Colombia. This feature provides businesses with a Meta Verified badge, indicating that they have registered their information with Meta. The benefits of Meta Verified include enhanced account support, protection against impersonation, and the ability to use WhatsApp across multiple devices for various employees. This badge will also be visible on the businesses’ WhatsApp Channel and custom WhatsApp page, providing an added layer of credibility and trust.

Calling Feature for Larger Businesses

WhatsApp is testing a new calling feature tailored for larger businesses, allowing customers to make quick calls with just one tap. This feature is especially useful for handling complex requests, such as detailed travel arrangements or new bank account setups, where a live conversation is more effective than messaging. The feature is currently in the testing phase but will be expanded to more businesses in the near future.

Why is this important?

Meta appears to be looking at developing WhatsApp for commercial and e-commerce applications beyond its original messaging function.

Overall, these updates are designed to enhance the functionality of WhatsApp for business use, making it easier for companies to interact with customers, manage inquiries, and drive sales. The integration of AI tools, the introduction of Meta Verified, and the new calling feature collectively are clearly aimed at evolving WhatsApp into a more robust and reliable platform for business communications.

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