Digital PR & Outreach

Grow your digital brand through PR and Outreach campaigns

Real Stories for Real Brands

At Spike, we believe that the most effective PR campaigns are those that are authentic and aimed at a client’s target customers.

We understand the power of PR and how targeted campaigns can deliver measurable results for our clients. Our experienced team can develop effective strategies and campaigns that lead to editorial coverage both online and offline. These campaigns:

  • Build brand awareness and share of voice
  • Communicate brand stories in a voice that is true to your values
  • Develop meaningful press relationships with top-tier journalists and influencers

We also understand the value of quality. Less can be more and one golden link to your site is worth more than dozens of weak links.

Authentic Campaigns

We never indulge in fake news and clickbait for the sake of a link. We know that the most powerful communications are those that are real.

Campaigns that Tell Your Story

From new product launches to in-depth features, we use a variety of strategies to effectively tell your brand stories and generate coverage that reaches target customers.

PR that Delivers

We work closely with our clients to ensure that we know what good looks like to you. Our aim is to deliver targeted coverage with links that support organic rankings and drive customers to your site.

Building Your Brand

Working with your marketing and leadership team, we will ensure that PR dovetails into your wider brand building. Our experienced marketing strategists and content builders will always be on-hand to help and advise. Spike’s PR services include digital campaigns, press events, product and brand launches, influencer amplification, B2B, media buying and brand partnerships.

Outreach for SEO development

The number of decent referring domains and quality backlinks are key signals of trust to search engines such as Google and Bing. We are experienced in using progressive, proactive link building techniques to drive authority.

Targeted outreach

We use classic link building techniques that get your website linked to from relevant resource websites. Along the way, the outreach process is hard. Whether its ignored emails or requests for money – it’s tough work. We are continually tweaking our creative angles for outreach and refining the target websites so that conversion rates are optimum.

Local outreach for SEO

Our approach to local organic search enables us to create a unique strategy for each client ensuring improved metrics. Through various techniques, we can enhance ranking performance for location-based search queries. For Enterprise level client with multiple locations, we offer analysis and assistance with underperforming locations. SEO projects for enterprise level multiple location businesses are underpinned with top quality link building. The links can bring in sales and enquiries alongside backlink equity.


Our outreach software enables transparent reporting in terms of which websites we’ve outreached to and the stage that we’re at with each prospect. We also aggregate domain rating / domain authority statistics against each link and report back on our progress each month.

Backlink auditing

It is important for any SEO progression to have an element of gaining links. This doesn’t have to come through digital PR or even outreach; it could come through content marketing activities or brand building. It is important for you to understand your backlink footprint, how it can grow, the strengths/weaknesses, historical disavowal attempts and where you are against competitors.


Ready to talk to us?


Marshall Court, Marshall Street,
Leeds LS11 9YP

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