How to utilise Reddit for PR
How to utilise Reddit as a source of data for PR campaigns.
Engagement stats for the UK: Instagram social media engagement is 4 times higher than on Facebook
Spike and Socialinsider issue joint study into engagement stats for the UK market
Why blog designs are commonly pretty gross
The a**e end of a development process Blog designs can come either as an after thought months or years after a web design project or at the end of the mentally draining process of website rebuild/redesign. For bigger sites, you may have a separate blog set up to the ‘main site’. Also, ecommerce webmasters […]
An exceedingly basic content virality censor check
With a wealth of blog posts of content marketing tips, I thought I should share my latest content virality check. The idea for client side digital marketers would be act as a guardian for all content creation. The idea for digital marketing / SEO agencies is to stop their clients from churning out content hoping […]
Search Engines for local business – Part Deux
In the last post regarding local search engine optimisation ‘the was and now’ I concluded with the salient points that any small business owner needs to prioritise – with or without any agency/consultant assistance. I named this section the future but this is only ‘the future’ to masses of small businesses (and indeed big brands) […]