What is changing in the Marketing World?

The concept of digital advertising growing and mutating isn’t a new one at all – first digital overtook print advertising. Now digital advertising has its eye on overtaking television advertising. Why has this happened? Widescale, broadband internet usage, on to video, on to smartphones and now on to the Internet of Things…has exploded the internet […]

16 facts why email marketing works

Update: Some more, up to date facts about email marketing in the UK. Experian carry out quarterly email benchmarking and the quarter 2 2015 report was based on over 80,000 email campaigns (in excess of 7.5 billion emails) sent by Experian clients in the UK and Ireland. The analysis unearthed the following interesting email marketing facts: […]

How to deliver an effective email marketing campaign.

In the second part of our email marketing series we cover how to deliver your email marketing campaign… Well firstly, you are going to need an ESP (Email Service Provider) to do the sending on your behalf. Why can’t I just blind copy everyone into an email and send from my own email address? Ha! […]