What is changing in the Marketing World?
The concept of digital advertising growing and mutating isn’t a new one at all – first digital overtook print advertising. Now digital advertising has its eye on overtaking television advertising. Why has this happened? Widescale, broadband internet usage, on to video, on to smartphones and now on to the Internet of Things…has exploded the internet […]
Social retargeting can make you fly – and this is how
Give your sales a kick with social retargeting Why retarget? Do you remember at high school (or indeed university) ‘the one that got away’? What if today, you gave a user a great website experience, but for whatever they didn’t buy / enquire? They might have run out of time, forgotten or even had […]
Using pic.twitter.com on Hootsuite
A recent blog post from Hootsuite shows how you can smoothen out your image uploads to utilise the user friendly pic.twitter.com so that your followers can view your photographs within their timeline as opposed to clicking outside of Twitter.com. Pretty nifty – easy when you know how!
Image dimensions for the new Twitter profile format
Twitter Profile Changes Twitter launched their new profile design yesterday – here are the salient points (ref. official blog post): Upload a profile photo and it’s automatically resized to fit. Recommended size: 400×400 pixels. Choose your own image to create a bigger, more beautiful profile header. Recommended size: 1500×500 pixels Pin one of your Tweets […]
How to search on Twitter
How to search on Twitter In the UK we have seen a direct correlation between smartphone sales and Twitter accounts. Hitwise provide a great source of free data showing the top social networking websites – the top three has been quite static…Facebook, Youtube and then Twitter. What is interesting is that these 3 sites have […]